Visual OCL

TU-Berlin | Faculty IV | Institute ISTI | Research group TFS

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Using Model Driven Architecture MDA

The system-model should be integrated in each software developement step. Therefore we go along with the Model Driven Architecture and have first designed our model for the VOCL editor directly in the developement environment Eclipse with the Omondo plugin as the class diagram model editor and the Eclipse Modeling Framework EMF for building the java source code. The next step was to integrate this model in the cyclic development process of building up the editor feature by feature and for this reason holding the model up to date. Supporting the controller part of our editor the Graphical Editor Framework GEF for Eclipse stood in the middle of our implementation.

Supporting the Conversion to the OCL meta model

A user of the VOCL editor would probably like to reuse his models for further analysis on the one hand and to integrate this diagram to his other diagrams of the entire model he is working on. One possibility is the connection through our converter to the OCL metamodel which allows to gain all information from a VOCL diagram and put it in an instance of the OCL metamodel. The big advantage of this process bases on the already existing connection points between UML and OCL so that UML and VOCL diagrams can be put together on metamodel-level.


©2005 TFS