sensorimotor map

Here are some movies that display the behavior of the sensorimotor map. Use full screen mode (lower right button) for a better display. Please refer to

M. Toussaint (2006): A sensorimotor map: Modulating lateral interactions for anticipation and planning. Neural Computation 18, 1132-1155.

  • the growth of the sensorimotor map, when exploring a plane:
    Get the Flash Player to see this player.
  • the anticipatory shift of the represented position for different values of eta:

    eta=0 (no shift/anticipation):
    Get the Flash Player to see this player.

    Get the Flash Player to see this player.

    Get the Flash Player to see this player.

    Get the Flash Player to see this player.

  • path planning through a maze and inducing the corresponding motor sequences:
    Get the Flash Player to see this player.
  • planning with obstacle avoidance enabled:
    Get the Flash Player to see this player.
  • planning while also adapting the sensorimotor map to a change of the maze and thus changing plans online:
    Get the Flash Player to see this player.

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