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Download a copy of AGG  Update 2.0.5


This is update 2.0.5 of the AGG software system.

Currently, a binary package together with the API documentation and also the source code are available.
If you are looking for some screenshots, you are kindly referred to our examples page.

What is changed in AGG update 2.0.5 from 10.02.2013 :

What is changed in AGG update 2.0.5 from 26.10.2012 :

What is changed in AGG update 2.0.3 from 21.05.2012 :
  • Improved usability of RuleSchemes with input parameters in the attribute context of the kernel rule.
What is changed in AGG update 2.0.3 from 11.05.2012 :
  • Bugs fixed due to running AGG with the Java Version 7.
  • The loading of large grammar files is considerably faster.
  • CPA: In case of a rule scheme (for an amalgamated rule) also the critical pairs of its kernel rule with another rules (and not only the critical pairs of the multi rules with another rules) will be computed.
AGG update 2.0.2 from 11.11.2011 :
  • AGG GUI is more robust and the transformation engine runs faster.
AGG update 2.0.2 from 28.09.2011 :
  • Mainly first steps are done to offer a possibility to edit and transform undirected graphs. This option is available by using the menu item Preferences/Undirected Edges of Graphs. This work is still in progress.
  • Another new extention of the Preferences menu is No Parallel Edges of Graphs which is available for undirected and directed graphs.
AGG update 2.0.1 from 09.06.2011 :
  • Improved:
    • Implementation of General (Nested) Application Conditions (GACs) of rules.
    • Construction of Concurrent and Parallel Rules from a given rule sequence.
      For concurrent rules the following options are available concerning the overlappings of one rule's RHS and next rule's LHS:
      • maximal overlappings according to rule dependencies;
      • all possible overlappings according to rule dependencies (may yields a large number of concurrent rules);
      • overlappings based on the previously defined object flow between rules;
      • the parallel rule (no overlapping), where rule graphs are disjointly united.
    • Usability of critical pair analysis: interrupt and resume running CPA. This is very handy for complex computations which may take some time. A partial result may be saved and reloaded. To continue with a concrete rule pair is done by using the menu item Continue Compute of the rule pair field pop-up menu in the CPA GUI. This item is enabled when computation of a rule pair is not finished. Normally this is the last rule pair processed by CPA. Select of Generate of the CPA menu drives to resume CPA at the interruption point.
  • Added:
    • Construction of Inverse Rule (resp. RuleScheme) of a given rule (resp. rule scheme). The application conditions (NACs, PACs, GACs) are shifted over the rule.
    • Construction of Minimal Rule from a given rule. A minimal rule comprises the effect of a rule in a minimal context. The application conditions (NACs, PACs, GACs) are not transferred.
    • Copy of Rule Schemes.
    • Copy of NACs, PACs and GACs.
    • Convert NACs resp. PACs to General ACs.
    • Convert General ACs to NACs resp. PACs. Note: Nested application conditions of GACs are not taken in account.
    • All additional features are available over the Rule | RuleScheme | NAC | PAC | GAC pop-up menus.
    • Multiple select for deletion multiple grammar elements.
AGG update 2.0 from 21.12.2010 :
  • General Application Conditions (GACs) of rules.
    GACs are closed under boolean formula. They increase the expressiveness of conditional changes of graph transformations. They itself may be refined by one or more General Application Condition(s).
    NACs and PACs of rules are used and evaluated as supplied before.
    NOTE: Unfortunately, the analysis part of AGG does not support rules with General Application Conditions (future work).
    CPA GUI: Inside of the table of conflicts (dependencies) the field of a such rule pair (rule with GACs) will get a black border to signalize that the computed result is incomplete.
  • Rule Scheme for amalgamated graph transformation.
    CPA: Only multi rules of a rule scheme are taken in account.
  • Critical pair analysis is extended by possibility to set the rules to be analized. Additionally, computed critical (conflict) graphs can be converted into NACs of the first (second) rule of a critical pair.
  • A new example added: "Semantics for statecharts" (SemanticForSC). The rules of the grammar make use of rule schemes and general application conditions.
This update of AGG runs with Java 6 and Java 7.

PLEASE NOTE: If you already downloaded AGG 2.0.5, you can simply replace the jar file agg_V205_classes.jar by the new agg_V205_classes.jar  in your local AGG directory  agg_V205.

What is shipped

Additional software required

There are two packages available, one with API (for embedding AGG into other software systems), and one without API (for using AGG via its GUI). Both packages contain the AGG class files and the installation file install.sh for UNIX platform.   You can use the file agg.bat as an example of installation file for WINDOW platform.
For AGG installation please adjust your classpath to the agg package. Then you can start the AGG system with:
java   -Xmx1000m   agg.gui.AGGAppl
(Please do not use the option -Xmx with Java 7.)

The  AGG engine  for embedding AGG without its GUI.
The AGG Examples are also available here Examples_V164.zip.

The Java Interpreter JRE 6 or JRE 7 , free available for all platforms.

Optionally, Graph Layout Algorithms from Eclipse Zest visualization toolkit
(for exmpl.: org.eclipse.zest.layouts_1.0.0.v20080226.jar),
to download from Eclipse GEF Downloads -> Zest+Draw2D -> Runtime -> GEF-Zest-3.4.1.zip.

A test suite for the  AGG engine using JUnit. The JUnit  version 3.8.1.


PLEASE NOTE:  AGG software license is changed.  AGG Version 1.2.4 and later is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

AGG is distributed with several third-party libraries and programs which do NOT belong to AGG itself, though, for simplicity, we referred to the package containing both AGG and the third-party software as AGG package distribution. The copyright notices for each libraries follow. 

AGG: AGG is copyrighted by Technische Universität Berlin (Germany), 1999-2001. 
AGG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
AGG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AGG. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 


There is no evaluation restriction of code for this version of AGG. Please read the license agreement to get this great tool. 
By submitting, you are approving that you have read the copyright, and that you agree to all the terms and conditions written in there.


The installation of the system is explained in the README file which you will find in the shipped package.

AGG with API
AGG without API
AGG Engine
AGG (basic) Test suite
AGG Sources
