Cboard - Code Keyboard

Here you can find some basic information on how to use Cboard

How to start using the keyboard

To start using the keyboard you need to follow this steps:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go General
  3. Go to Keyboards
  4. Go to Add keyboard
  5. Select Cboard keyboard (if it is not listed, close the Settings app by swiping it up, and start this steps from the beginning)
  6. Click on Cboard
  7. Allow full Access
It's mandatory for external keyboards to allow full access. However Cboard doesn't use or stores any personal data. We believe in privacy and value it. for more information go to privacy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about Cboard, do not hesitate to contact me at cm.krebber@gmail.com.


To download it just click here